About my street photography

  1. Who are you?
  2. How did you start with photography?
  3. Why did you chose street photography?
  4. How do you capture such great  moments of coincidence?
  5. How would you describe your style?

  1. Who are you? Where are you from? What background do you have?

I was born in Israel. My love of photography started early on because my father is a passionate hobby photographer.  When I was a child he had an old Zorki camera and a darkroom. Me and My sister Yaara (r.i.p) constantly asked him to develop films with us.  I loved the process since it was magical to me. Later on I was accepted to a personal program in the Faculty of Art ,where I studied and experimented with photography and arts more deeply. For the last few years I have been living and working in Berlin .

  1. How did you start taking pictures? Is it your hobby or profession?

My first camera was purchased in India at the age of 20.  I was photographing as an amateur at  that time. Later on during my studies and by constantly taking photos up until today I acquired more skills. I see myself as an artist who photographs.

  1. Why did you chose street photography as your main genre?

Surprisingly I never chose. You could say this genre chose me ..my love for photography is wide and I like also to take fashion and portrait photos. As for the street- I try to carry a camera with me almost everywhere and if i don’t have it I use my phone. The street is fast and unpredictable with infinite authentic moments that tell a story. To me, these stories have artistic and also social value,so i try to  capture them.

  1. How do you capture such great  moments of coincidence? 

The greatest moments are happening constantly around us. Since reality is the best director  it’s a hard thing to plan. For me to develop the sensors so they can detect these moments, that’s the important thing. The more you observe ,shoot and practice the sensors get sharper ,and the results get better.The best photos were just something I saw on the way to somewhere or while I was doing something else.

  1. How would you describe your style?

I create a body of work which does not follow any concrete guidelines of traditional photography. It contains flashes of the human element in parallel to a mosaic of our busy modern reality. Whether  the story is funny, ridiculous, scary or fantastic, it’s important for me to bring in my perspective in a way that triggers  the viewer’s emotion and to  transform the seemingly meaningless everyday things into art.

The art of coincidence: selection

You are welcome to view more from this street photography in the art of coincidence project page

Taken from interview to the magazin “Rosphoto” : 10.11.2020


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

February 12, 2022 at 2:31 pm

Let’s not forget the real issue here. Street photography is all about coincidence!
Talk about understanding the moment, I would love to read more.

February 12, 2022 at 8:03 pm
– In reply to: Ronaldnup

Thx for that Ronald. happy to hear your opinion.

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